
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A large genus of dicotyledonous gamopetalous plants, of the natural order Asclepiadaceæ and tribe Marsdenieæ.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.
  • noun Any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.
  • noun any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A taxonomic genus within the family Apocynaceae — the hoyas or waxflowers.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

New Latin, after Thomas Hoy + -a


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  • Some say it originated in a cheer referring to the stones that comprised the school's outer walls; others say it began in the 19th century with the birth of Georgetown's Stonewalls baseball club; a third version has a "hoya saxa" cheer arising after an impressive goal-line stand by the defense of the Hoya football team.

    The Bracket 2009

  • Some say it originated in a cheer referring to the stones that comprised the school's outer walls; others say it began in the 19th century with the birth of Georgetown's Stonewalls baseball club; a third version has a "hoya saxa" cheer arising after an impressive goal-line stand by the defense of the Hoya football team.

    The Bracket 2009

  • Some say it originated in a cheer referring to the stones that comprised the school's outer walls; others say it began in the 19th century with the birth of Georgetown's Stonewalls baseball club; a third version has a "hoya saxa" cheer arising after an impressive goal-line stand by the defense of the Hoya football team.

    The Bracket 2009

  • Some say it originated in a cheer referring to the stones that comprised the school's outer walls; others say it began in the 19th century with the birth of Georgetown's Stonewalls baseball club; a third version has a "hoya saxa" cheer arising after an impressive goal-line stand by the defense of the Hoya football team.

    The Bracket 2009

  • Some say it originated in a cheer referring to the stones that comprised the school's outer walls; others say it began in the 19th century with the birth of Georgetown's Stonewalls baseball club; a third version has a "hoya saxa" cheer arising after an impressive goal-line stand by the defense of the Hoya football team.

    The Bracket 2009

  • This is what I call the Hoya Hut, one of Carols play rooms! Chronicle 2009

  • Just to let you know, the Georgetown Hoya comes from a chant that they used to do back in the day ‘hoya saxa’, or ‘what rocks’ in greek/latin.

    College Mascots: Inspiring to Insipid | Heretical Ideas Magazine 2009

  • Although De La Hoya is honest about his lapses in judgment along the way, his story is mostly about the judicious choices he has made at every stage of his life, shaping his phenomenal trajectory.

    Cover to Cover 2008

  • Although De La Hoya is honest about his lapses in judgment along the way, his story is mostly about the judicious choices he has made at every stage of his life, shaping his phenomenal trajectory.

    Cover to Cover 2008

  • Lake Enriquillo in the southwestern section of the Dominican Republic is located at 18°30'N and 71°40'W, occupying the lowest part of the basin known as Hoya del Lago Enriquillo between the Neyba and Bahoruco ranges, and has geomorphological characteristics that are unique in the Caribbean region.

    Enriquillo wetlands 2008


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