
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To appreciate; value.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • See apprise.
  • Same as appraise.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To appraise; to value; to appreciate.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb To appraise
  • verb To apprise

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb increase the value of
  • verb make aware of
  • verb inform (somebody) of something
  • verb gain in value


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  • You will contrive to let my Mother have the enclosed letter as soon as possible, as she may want some trifling article before she starts. and if they agree to ride on Monday the 18th you will apprize me of it by letter to be received on Monday morning.

    Letter 133 2009

  • When at Mr. Gedge's I wished much to apprize you of the public opinion as to our Boy Giles, [6] but I dare not then, I shall you may be sure Sir, after such a letter as this, be anxious for your opinion, and I will not damp my spirits with the idea of your being offended.

    Letter 63 2009

  • Thine own eyes daily apprize thee, that the colour of the sky nightly changes from bright to black, yet thou knowest that this is by no means owing to any habitual colour of the heavens themselves.

    Count Robert of Paris 2008

  • “Villain! why didst thou not apprize me of this yesterday?”

    Count Robert of Paris 2008

  • It may be proper on this occasion to apprize the reader that the notes to

    The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805 2008

  • And the purport of this letter is to apprize you of the danger in which you stand of being placed in similar circumstances, unless you are disposed to authorize me to make the discovery to this knight; but on this subject you are only to express your own wishes, being assured they shall be in every respect attended to by your devoted

    Castle Dangerous 2008

  • It was finished to send you yesterday, I know; and I apprize you of it, that you should fortify your heart against the contents of it.

    Clarissa Harlowe 2006

  • He wished he had not come to England at all, or had come sooner; and hoped I would apprize him of the whole mournful story, at a proper season.

    Clarissa Harlowe 2006

  • This screen was placed there at the time she found herself obliged to take to her chamber; and in the depth of our concern, and the fulness of other discourse at our first interview, I had forgotten to apprize the Colonel of what he would probably see.

    Clarissa Harlowe 2006

  • Let it stand, then, in the present state of our knowledge, merely as a useful introductory hypothesis, serving to apprize us of the eternal distinction between the soul and the world.

    Nature 2006


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