
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as fruiter.
  • noun One who deals in fruit; a seller of fruits.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who deals in fruit; a seller of fruits.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who sells fruit.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a person who sells fruit


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  • But the fruiterer was a widow, far from happy, and I saw that my payments were of help to her; and then, to be frank, I fell at once in love with her daughter.

    Ten Tales Fran��ois Copp��e 1875

  • The word "fruiterer" is also general as a name for a dealer in fruit; and "poulterer" as a dealer in poultry; while the words "top" and "bottom" are applied to streets in a very puzzling way.

    Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry from 1864 to 1914. Twenty-seven Years in the Pastorate; Sixteen Years' Active Service as Chaplain in the U. S. Army; Seven Years Professor in Wilberforce University; Two Trips to Europe; A Trip in Mexico. Theophilus Gould 1866

  • That's ok, I'm not a man, I don't have penis envy, I feel sorry for men who can't please the masses like a fruiterer.

    Monopoly Money (Or the Lesbian's guide to seducing Straight Women) 2010

  • This dame, the cateress, hired me to carry a load and took me first to the shop of a vintner, then to the booth of a butcher; thence to the stall of a fruiterer; thence to a grocer who also sold dry fruits; thence to a confectioner and a perfumer cum druggist and from him to this place where there happened to me with you what happened.

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • London a substantial citizen, who united in his single person the dignities of wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, and member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers; who had superadded to these extraordinary distinctions the important post and title of Sheriff, and who at length, and to crown all, stood next in rotation for the high and honourable office of Lord Mayor.

    Master Humphrey's Clock 2007

  • London a substantial citizen, who united in his single person the dignities of wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, and member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers; who had superadded to these extraordinary distinctions the important post and title of Sheriff, and who at length, and to crown all, stood next in rotation for the high and honourable office of Lord Mayor.

    Master Humphrey's Clock 2007

  • But he had long ago forgotten all this, as it was proper that a wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers, past sheriff, and, above all, a

    Master Humphrey's Clock 2007

  • But he had long ago forgotten all this, as it was proper that a wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers, past sheriff, and, above all, a

    Master Humphrey's Clock 2007

  • "It was the fruiterer," replied my friend, "who brought you to the conclusion that the mender of soles was not of sufficient height for Xerxes et id genus omne."

    The Murders in the Rue Morgue 2006

  • I now remembered that, in fact, a fruiterer, carrying upon his head a large basket of apples, had nearly thrown me down, by accident, as we passed from the Rue C — into the thoroughfare where we stood; but what this had to do with Chantilly I could not possibly understand.

    The Murders in the Rue Morgue 2006


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