
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Nautical Within the hull or toward the center of a vessel.
  • adjective Relatively close to the fuselage of an aircraft.
  • noun A motor attached to the inside of the hull of a boat.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • In mech., toward the inside; toward the main center or center-line: as, an inboard stroke of the piston; an inboard bearing.
  • Within the hull or interior of a ship or boat; also, in the middle part of the hold of a ship: as, stow the freight well inboard.
  • Within the rail or bulwarks; toward or nearer to the center: as, to draw the sail inboard.
  • In the interior of a ship or boat; being within the hull or hold: as, inboard cargo: opposed to outboard.
  • Not projecting over the rail or bulwarks: as, an inboard spar or sail.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • (Naut.) Inside the line of a vessel's bulwarks or hull; the opposite of outboard
  • (Mech.) From without inward; toward the inside.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective nautical within a ship
  • adjective nearer the hull (as opposed to outboard)
  • noun an engine located within the hull of a ship
  • noun a boat with such an engine
  • verb to discount a product to sell a service.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft


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  • "Aviation Week," which is a weekly journal here in the United States reporting today that air force tracking, ground-based air force tracking cameras, at about 60 seconds before the plane exploded -- in other words when it was still largely intact in the skies over Arizona and going into Texas, that these cameras showed serious structural damage to the inboard, what's called the inboard leading edge of the left wing.

    CNN Transcript Feb 7, 2003 2003

  • And then you have the nose gear up in front inboard, meaning it's on the -- not the outside tire.

    CNN Transcript Sep 2, 2008 2008

  • Their movements perceptibly quickened under his coaching, and as the boat swung inboard I was sent forward to let go the jibs.

    Chapter 25 2010

  • The result was a 21 foot fiberglass inboard/outboard boat laying in the middle of the ramp!

    Tales From The Boat Ramp 2009

  • The deck was continually awash with the sea which came inboard over the rail and through the scuppers.

    Chapter 39 2010

  • The spray drove inboard in a continuous stinging shower, and Frona at once fell to work with the bailing-can.

    CHAPTER 3 2010

  • Having visual experiences is something that apparently happens inboard of my eyes, somewhere in between my eyes and my voice when I tell you what I see.4

    In the Valley of the Shadow James L. Kugel 2011

  • The result was a 21 foot fiberglass inboard/outboard boat laying in the middle of the ramp!

    Tales From The Boat Ramp 2009

  • Having visual experiences is something that apparently happens inboard of my eyes, somewhere in between my eyes and my voice when I tell you what I see.4

    In the Valley of the Shadow James L. Kugel 2011

  • This time, though we were continually half-buried, there was no trough in which to be swept, and we drifted squarely down upon the upturned boat, badly smashing it as it was heaved inboard.

    Chapter 17 2010


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