
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adverb Amidships.
  • adverb In the center position. Used of the helm.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • In the middle of a ship: more properly amidships.
  • Nautical, the timbers at the broadest part of a vessel.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adverb (Naut.) In the middle of a ship; -- properly amidships.
  • noun plural (Naut.) The timbers at the broadest part of the vessel.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb Alternative form of amidships.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adverb at or near or toward the center of a ship


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Probably short for amidships.]


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  • A little aft of "midships" a pyramidal lump of fatty substance projected several feet above the line of the vertebras.

    The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea Mayne Reid 1850

  • A single spar stood up out of its centre, or "midships," to which was rigged -- in a very slovenly manner -- a large lateen sail, -- either the spanker or spritsail of a ship, or the mizzen topsail of a bark.

    The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea Mayne Reid 1850

  • "midships," while those with the narrower bend were set towards the narrower ends of the plank.

    The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North Mayne Reid 1850

  • "midships," while those with the narrower bend were set towards the narrower ends of the plank.

    Popular Adventure Tales Mayne Reid 1850

  • The bow appears to be still firmly wedged onto the reef, we have lost more than 30 containers from the stern and midships, Maritime NZ director Catherine Taylor told reporters.

    New Zealand oil spill ship captain charged 2011

  • Lingaard, too old to labour at the sweeps, had been surgeon, undertaker, and midwife of the huddled captives in the open midships.

    Chapter 17 2010

  • One of the hunters, a tall, loose-jointed chap named Henderson, was going aft at the time from the steerage (the name the hunters facetiously gave their midships sleeping quarters) to the cabin.

    Chapter 4 2010

  • Through a crack in the trapdoor, the gnome looked out and spotted Bas Ohn-Koraf hurrying toward midships to comply, his large hands catching the offending rope.

    Father Swarat Matt Dennison 2010

  • Kof stood at the rail at midships, watching as the cleft mysteriously sealed itself.

    Father Swarat Matt Dennison 2010

  • Though exhausted, they scurried about, tugging the mainsail free from midships.

    Father Swarat Matt Dennison 2010


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