
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who moots; a disputer of a moot case.
  • noun In shipbuilding, a workman who makes treenails.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A disputer of a mooted case.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative form of mootah.
  • noun A disputer of a mooted case.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Spanish mota.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From moot.


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  • Poliolioli contests that it was the 17th, but this, I venture to say, is even a "mooter" point than the other.

    Terribly Intimate Portraits Noel Coward 1936

  • Took a load of corn and stole a half-bushel; mooter, or multure, is the toll of meal taken by the miller for grinding the corn: mooter-poke, or multure-pocket, is accordingly a nickname for a miller.

    Yorkshire Dialect Poems (1673-1915) and traditional poems Frederic William Moorman 1895

  • So now Channel 9 has a new logo, Yahoo has done a deal with 7, Fairfax has said its not buying a TV station (like 10) but its eyeing online plays (please anything has to be better than mooter) - I want to download Frankee's Business Sunday show for $1.99 on Itunes onto my Ipod Vid, when I get it that is. (also ordered the apple fm radio remote but need advice on what mic/accesory to use so i can record podcasts)

    Frank Arrigo $1.99 + CBS Survivor Ipod with Video Ben Barren 2006

  • So now Channel 9 has a new logo, Yahoo has done a deal with 7, Fairfax has said its not buying a TV station (like 10) but its eyeing online plays (please anything has to be better than mooter) - I want to download Frankee's Business Sunday show for $1.99 on Itunes onto my Ipod Vid, when I get it that is. (also ordered the apple fm radio remote but need advice on what mic/accesory to use so i can record podcasts)

    Archive 2006-02-01 Ben Barren 2006


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