
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In a pious manner; devoutly; as an act of piety; dutifully.
  • Heartily; sincerely.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adverb In a pious manner.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a pious manner.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adverb in a devout and pious manner


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  • What I do object to is the Democratic party’s hypocrisy in piously condemning lobbyists in public, while eagerly taking their money in private.

    Of *course* K Street thrived in 2009. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState 2010

  • However, don't let this color your view of the states, there are inclusive, loving and existential Christians out there too, but we don't go up to strangers and "piously" lay hands on people in King Soopers ...

    God Dave Hingsburger 2007

  • The BRC said that for the past decade it had helped rural communities resist policies introduced by the very party now "piously" taking up this call.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1994

  • He also attacked the Government, saying President F W de Klerk who so "piously" scolded the ANC should first clean up his own backyard.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1993

  • I "-- piously --" hope that I may be in my grave before that day comes. "

    A True Friend A Novel Adeline Sergeant

  • Bush slashed budgets for Vietnam vets, veterans hospitals and other veterans organizations while piously pointing the fingers democrats for not supporting our troops.

    Senator: 131,000 homeless vets a 'disgrace' 2009

  • Iraqis might have desired a more modern, egalitarian system, but tribal law, said Thomas piously, had “the sanction of immemorial custom.”

    Day of Honey Annia Ciezadlo 2011

  • Iraqis might have desired a more modern, egalitarian system, but tribal law, said Thomas piously, had “the sanction of immemorial custom.”

    Day of Honey Annia Ciezadlo 2011

  • By piously defending free speech while demogoguing against NPR, DeMint sounds like his Tea Party brethren who rail to "keep the Government out of my Medicare!"

    Dave Zirin: Should NPR Have Fired Juan Williams? You Betcha Dave Zirin 2010

  • Sometimes policy makers, including those who piously invoke the idea of "data-driven" practice, pursue initiatives they favor regardless of the fact that no empirical support for them exists (e.g., high-stakes testing) or even when the research suggests the policy in question is counterproductive (e.g., forcing struggling students to repeat a grade).

    Do tests really help students learn -- or was a new study misreported? -- Kohn Valerie Strauss 2011


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