
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See Indian grass .
  • noun Any grass of the genus Calamagrostis: often with a qualifier, as Langsdorff's reed-grass. See bluejoint-grass, sand-grass, 4, and yellow-top, 2. Compare reed-bent, 2.
  • noun See canary-grass.
  • noun The bur-reed, Sparganium ramosum.
  • noun Any one of the grasses called reeds, and of some others, commonly smaller, of similar habit. See phrases.


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  • The intent of the plan is to restore the native reed-grass prairie that dominated the city's landscape before the arrival of Europeans hundreds of years ago, Ms. Ballard says.

    Split Over Plan to Cull Trees Jim Carlton 2011

  • He heard Charlie rustle in the reeds behind him, cracking the roots and razor-sharp blades of the reed-grass in order to peer through and find the well-camouflaged oysters in the mud.

    Working Title: "Third Persons" Glenn Klopfenstein 2011

  • Passing through the thin edging of reed-grass, I stepped into the shallow water and felt my feet sink into the deep mud, which gurgled hungrily and sent little lines of bubbles up to the surface.

    'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany Gerald Featherstone Knight

  • On one side, the nearer dykes dividing the fields showed up a dull white in the semi-darkness; while on the other, beyond a narrow fringe of swaying reed-grass, ran the broad dark river.

    'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany Gerald Featherstone Knight

  • At the close of the eighteenth century the second church itself was threatened by the same peril; the planting of reed-grass was not then understood as a means of binding the sand.

    The Cornwall Coast

  • I was not long in suspense, for the hedge in front rustled (a thing that well-trained hedges do not do), and I knew that it was another long line of high reed-grass.

    'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany Gerald Featherstone Knight

  • You mean the common reed-grass, no doubt; it is not yet in flower, but you will see it in August and September.

    Country Walks of a Naturalist with His Children W. Houghton

  • Loosing Dolk, and tightening the buckles of his snow-shoes, he set to work to stalk the animal, and eventually sighted it browsing on a clump of reed-grass that grew on the bank of a mountain stream.

    Werwolves Elliott O'Donnell 1918

  • A few trees, chiefly birch and larch, dotted about the reed-grass afforded a delightful shade from the fierce heat of the short summer sun; and birds of all sorts, whose singing was a source of the keenest delight to Ivan and his sisters, made their homes in them.

    Werwolves Elliott O'Donnell 1918

  • He lived with his mother and two sisters in a pretty house about a kös from Shiganska, and facing it was a level stretch of reed-grass terminating in the hemlock-covered banks of the Petchora.

    Werwolves Elliott O'Donnell 1918


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