
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A stuff used in the middle ages as a material for dress.
  • Pertaining to or resembling camels or the Camelidœ; cameloid.
  • noun Treacle-mustard; wormseed.
  • Pertaining to or derived from plants of the genus Camelina: as, cameline oil.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to camels
  • adjective resembling a camel


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  • Sri Thakini — Unknown seated goddess, however due to the camel symbol on her pedestal, linguists suggestUshtrakini, or the cameline goddess.

    Chausath Yogini Temple - Inventory of Goddesses and Gods | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context 2010

  • He arrived in camp, none the worse for a well-developed “cropper;” his dromedary had put its foot in a hole, and had fallen with a suddenness generally unknown to the cameline race.

    The Land of Midian 2003

  • Moisture was more usually added in the form of a sauce, typically cameline, poured in through a steam vent after baking, just as we do today with aspic for a pâté en croûte.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • Not even the sauce cameline a mixture of toast crumbs, vinegar, and cinnamon, with the consistency of mustard is sweetened.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • Moisture was more usually added in the form of a sauce, typically cameline, poured in through a steam vent after baking, just as we do today with aspic for a pâté en croûte.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • Not even the sauce cameline a mixture of toast crumbs, vinegar, and cinnamon, with the consistency of mustard is sweetened.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • “Camelin, sauce cameline, A certaine daintie Italian sauce.”

    Early English Meals and Manners Frederick James Furnivall 1867

  • The statutes drawn up by this company inform us that the famous sauce à la cameline, sold by them, was to be composed or “good cinnamon, good ginger, good cloves, good grains of paradise, good bread, and good vinegar.”

    The Book of Household Management Isabella Mary 1861

  • The statutes drawn up by this company inform us that the famous sauce à la cameline, sold by them, was to be composed or “good cinnamon, good ginger, good cloves, good grains of paradise, good bread, and good vinegar.”

    The Book of Household Management Isabella Mary 1861

  • This mask contains cocoa butter, cameline oil and cotton butter which helps to hydrate and repair our skin texture.

    Style Guru 2009


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  • "For a grand banquet he envisages buying cameline sauce and hippocras already made, but also plenty of sugar, saffron, two kinds of ginger, cloves mixed with grains of paradise, long pepper, and a half pound of cinnamon. ..."

    Paul Freedman, Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination (New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2008), 48

    Another usage/historical note can be found in comment on jance.

    November 27, 2017