
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Australia, New Zealand, slang Vomit.
  • noun Australia, New Zealand, slang An act of vomiting.
  • verb Australia, New Zealand, slang To vomit.
  • verb of a vehicle To rumble loudly, to roar.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Recorded from 1950. Probably from the cartoon character Chunder Loo of Akim Foo, drawn by Norman Lindsay for a series of boot-polish advertisements in the early 1900s. Some sources hold that Chunder Loo was rhyming slang for spew, but the usage is not recorded.


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  • Creative new words for vomit became fashionable, as "chunder"and liquid laughs became the norm.

    In praise of … the pint | Editorial 2011

  • (He also whipped up the "chunder" used in the vomiting scenes.)

    New Statesman 2009

  • (He also whipped up the "chunder" used in the vomiting scenes.)

    New Statesman 2009

  • "chunder" or "drongo," do you realize their capacity to melt the hearts of American girls is a dangerous weapon. - 2010

  • Charlie: crack, cocaine chips: french fries chunder: to throw up ciggy: cigarette claret: blood (They were copping it up, claret all over the place!) cop a feel: to feel someone up to cop it: to get in trouble copper: policeman

    Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Open Writing Forum 2009

  • You know, “chunder bucket” must be a South African thing, because I have never heard that phrase, but I have no trouble at all translating it into USA english.

    The Nervous Breakdown 2010

  • There is an almost endless stream of Con loving chunder heads with their hackles all raised, swearing up and down that this is desperation.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Lindsay Stewart 2008

  • There is an almost endless stream of Con loving chunder heads with their hackles all raised, swearing up and down that this is desperation.

    Old Dogs, New Tricks Lindsay Stewart 2008

  • Sure, I get way worse in my inbox all the time, but our little friend from New England is so publically chunder-headed that even the conservatives avoid him at the virtual lunchtable.

    festival of ones and zeros 2007

  • Sure, I get way worse in my inbox all the time, but our little friend from New England is so publically chunder-headed that even the conservatives avoid him at the virtual lunchtable.

    romulan ale 2007


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  • Use it in a sentence. How about: "The atmosphere at the reception chilled noticeably when one of the groomsmen chundered all over the bride's dress, a ravishing rumchunder concoction with an apparently unlimited ability to absorb chyme and chunderchunks alike".

    February 16, 2007

  • I had a friend once who, as revenge for always being the one supporting people while they horked their guts up, developed her own little ditty:

    Chunderstruck! Yeah, yeah, yeah, chunderstruck!

    July 31, 2008

  • Great pleth!

    July 31, 2008

  • very sad no one's listed chunder blunder. Where can I put it?

    April 28, 2009

  • Far away from me.

    April 28, 2009