
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The occupation of a drover.
  • noun A method of hewing the faces of hard stones, similar to random-tooling or boasting. See drove, verb

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of drove.


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  • But the trail cleverly and legally threads its way past the firing ranges towards a delightful and ancient droving road that plunges down between cow parsley to an old farm.

    Magic circles: walking from Avebury to Stonehenge 2011

  • Inside the mart the display shows all the various aspects of the droving days from the drovers to the cattle and the routes.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • It was not only impressive but seemed to epitomise the essence of the droving days.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • Inside the mart the display shows all the various aspects of the droving days from the drovers to the cattle and the routes.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • It was not only impressive but seemed to epitomise the essence of the droving days.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • A few years ago the society set up the project with three main aims: to assemble an archive on information about the droving; to create a permanent interpretive display within the mart; and, perhaps, the most ambitious of all, create a sculpture.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • A few years ago the society set up the project with three main aims: to assemble an archive on information about the droving; to create a permanent interpretive display within the mart; and, perhaps, the most ambitious of all, create a sculpture.

    Country diary: Dingwall mart 2011

  • Oh, and just because it shows people droving cattle in the outback, doesn't necessarily make it a Western.

    Must Watch: Baz Luhrmann's Australia Trailer! « 2008

  • One day, after droving cattle around the place, Tom returned to the homestead to discover his family and all the other workers slaughtered by local Aboriginals (thought to be revenge for something nasty that happened).

    Archive 2007-03-01 lili 2007

  • One day, after droving cattle around the place, Tom returned to the homestead to discover his family and all the other workers slaughtered by local Aboriginals (thought to be revenge for something nasty that happened).

    More than a game lili 2007


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  • A method of hewing the faces of hard stones, similar to random-tooling or boasting.  See also scabbling.

    (A definition that needs to be deconstructed to be understood.)

    June 2, 2024

  • Briefly I wondered why vendingmachine was roasting stones.

    June 4, 2024

  • C'mon, potatoes aren't that expensive.

    June 4, 2024