
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To abound, swarm, or throng. Halliwell. [Prov. Eng.]
  • To fill to excess.
  • noun A hole in a garment.
  • Same as freck.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb oil industry To employ hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
  • verb euphemistic fuck.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From English hydrofracking.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Original and alternate spelling for English frak. See frak.


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  • All right, Funky Snickers ™ A Derailleur de Jour+, just what the frack is a lawter supposed to be?

    Think Progress » Pence ‘Considering’ Challenging Evan Bayh As Bayh Attacks The ‘Left’ 2010

  • Their reference articles on Islam, and their briefings on what the frack is going on will blow you away.

    Children and Others Dying in Iraq Recently 2008

  • Their reference articles on Islam, and their briefings on what the frack is going on will blow you away.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • Interestingly, though, I believe the word frack was used in both.

    The Speculist: Future Wealth 2005

  • The word has even appeared in the funny pages where Dilbert muttered a disconsolate "frack" - the original spelling before producers of the current show changed it to a four-letter word - after a particularly dumb order from his evil twit of a boss. : 2008

  • Larson originally developed "frack" -- the "C" was removed later by Moore and his team to make it a true four-letter word -- as well as other words like "feldergarb" and "yahrens" to help remind audiences that while they were watching humans, they were still quite alien to what we know society to be like.

    Airlock Alpha 2008

  • The makers of Battlestar Galactica even joked in the DVD extras of Season 4.5: “So, what the frack was the plan?”

    BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THE PLAN Blu-ray Review – 2009

  • Much of the water required for a so-called frack job is sourced from lakes, rivers or city water systems, and water is in short supply in some drilling areas, such as drought-plagued Texas.

    Reuters: Press Release 2011

  • Poseidon, split off from Open Range Energy Corp. in November so it could rent out so-called frack tanks to other producers, may also attract interest from potential buyers, according to Haywood's Ready, a Calgary-based analyst. -- Top News 2011

  • Well, we know where the fence is that the Nixon, Reagan, and Shrub I/II DoJ's were sitting on are, but where the frack were the LBJ, Carter, and Clinton DoJs?

    Center for American Progress Action Fund Amanda Terkel 2010


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  • More Frak Than You Could Ever Want (io9, May 16, 2008):

    It's the censorship-evading word that stands as proof at how involved Battlestar Galactica has become in modern popular culture.

    Frak used to be much more polite: According to the Battlestar Wiki, "Frack" - the official spelling of the word for the original 1970s version of the show, according to the Writer's Guide - didn't always mean "fuck":

    "Frack" is a Colonial expletive, roughly analagous to "shit" or even the milder "rats" or "darn" of the Original Series.

    May 16, 2008