
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To commit wild and lawless depredation; plunder; spoil.
  • noun A merrymaking; a noisy frolic, particularly among young people; depredation; great disorder.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun noisy riotous conduct
  • verb to feast in a noisy and riotous manner


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  • to feast in a noisy and riotous manner

    August 18, 2008

  • (verb) - To hold a merry meeting, with noise and riot, but without doing injury to anyone. It seems generally to include the idea of a wasteful use of food and of intemperate use of strong drink. Could we suppose that the proper pronunciation were guleravage it might be derived from French gueule, the mouth, the throat, also the stomach, conjoined with the verb already mentioned; to waste, to gormandize. --John Jamieson's Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 1808

    February 6, 2018