
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun One who logs trees; a lumberjack.
  • noun One engaged in the logging business.
  • noun A machine, such as a crane or tractor, that is used for hauling or loading logs.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Heavy; stupid. Compare loggerhead.
  • To move irregularly, as a wheel that is loose on its axle.
  • noun A man employed in getting out logs or timber from the forest, and sometimes in getting them down rivers to market.
  • noun A machine for gathering freshly cut logs and loading them upon railroad fiat-cars.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun U.S. One engaged in logging. See log, v. i.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun a worker whose occupation is to harvest trees
  • noun one that logs, such as a computer program to keep track of events

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a person who fells trees


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  • GetStatus (); Status = newStatus; SignalPropertyChanged (readonly IEndpoint _endpoint; private readonly AsyncOperation _asyncOperation; event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public EndpointStatus (IEndpoint endpoint, Logger logger) {_endpoint = endpoint; _logger = logger; Status = Status.

    The Code Project Latest Articles 2009

  • SBI worm and added password logger to worm's email scanner.

    December 2nd, 2007 danhoyt 2007

  • Caller ID and call logger - must be intergrated with Opensource Asterisk - New Projects 2010

  • Gemini Data Loggers has released the Tinytag logger with Current Clamp, helping customers meet environmental targets such as the Energy Performing Certification.

    Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news 2010

  • Assuming the logger object is found, we are creating a temporary object called logger (note this is not the actual logger object that we are using in the current application).

    The Windows Blog 2010

  • Gemini Data Loggers has released the Tinytag logger with Current Clamp, helping customers meet environmental targets such as the Energy Performing Certification.

    Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news 2010

  • Gemini Data Loggers has released the Tinytag logger with Current Clamp, helping customers meet environmental targets such as the Energy Performing Certification.

    Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news 2010

  • Gemini Data Loggers has released the Tinytag logger with Current Clamp, helping customers meet environmental targets such as the Energy Performing Certification.

    Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news 2010

  • The station has sensors that collects data and processes the same in a data logger, which is connected to it.

    The Times of India 2010

  • CNET reports researchers saw Conficker make its first update and believe it to be a keystroke logger, which is spyware designed to log usernames and passwords.

    Blogger News Network 2009


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  • In the Pacific Northwest, they are loggers, not lumberjacks.

    June 27, 2007

  • I'm a logger, and I'm okay.

    July 18, 2008

  • Just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? Maybe PC would be "lumberpat?"

    July 18, 2008

  • The person who fells the tree is known specifically as a faller. Logger is a broader term.

    July 18, 2008