
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The wife or widow of a marquis.
  • noun Used as a title for a marquise.
  • noun A finger ring set with a pointed oval stone or cluster of pointed oval stones.
  • noun A pointed oval shape of a gem.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In gem-cutting, an ellipsoidal double-pointed form of cut which has been used extensively for diamonds and the more brilliant stones, although many of the common stones, such as amethysts, etc., are now cut in this way. Also called navette.
  • noun A light shelter over an entrance doorway: usually carried on brackets or cantalivers, more rarely on slender posts. The roofing itself is often of glass.
  • noun Same as marquee.
  • noun In France, the wife of a marquis; a marchioness.
  • noun A small parasol or sunshade, usually of silk and often trimmed with lace, in use about 1850.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The wife of a marquis; a marchioness.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A marchioness, especially one who is French
  • noun A marquee
  • noun jewelry An oval cut diamond with pointed ends
  • noun A canopy, usually of glass, set as a shelter over a door opening onto a terrace or pavement

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess
  • noun permanent canopy over an entrance of a hotel etc.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[French, feminine of marquis, marquis; see marquis.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From French marquise


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  • Louis XIV had already given her pensions and gifts of money in appreciation for her care of his children, and in February of the next year he conferred upon her the title marquise de Maintenon.

    Louis XIV's Secret Wife 2010

  • Louis XIV had already given her pensions and gifts of money in appreciation for her care of his children, and in February of the next year he conferred upon her the title marquise de Maintenon.

    Louis XIV's Secret Wife 2010

  • The "little marquise" is said to have died in child-bed at the Hague, in 1661.

    Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54) 1888

  • Though the marquise was a handsome and clever woman, her rivals took delight in comparing her with her sister-inlaw, with all the more point because the countess was a dozen years younger.

    A Daughter of Eve 2007

  • Wits, authors, poets, artists, statesmen, whose words could change the fate of Europe, were proud to call the marquise friend.

    Marie Gourdon A Romance of the Lower St. Lawrence Maud Ogilvy

  • The marquise was the wife of the man, who broke his plighted faith to the young Fraulein Van Hoogstraten.

    The Burgomaster's Wife — Complete Georg Ebers 1867

  • The marquise was the wife of the man, who broke his plighted faith to the young Fraulein Van Hoogstraten.

    The Burgomaster's Wife — Volume 03 Georg Ebers 1867

  • The marquise was the wife of the man, who broke his plighted faith to the young Fraulein Van Hoogstraten.

    Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works Georg Ebers 1867

  • Notwithstanding an evil report circulated against her by Mme. d'Espard, the princesse told Daniel d'Arthez that the marquise was her best friend; she was related to her.

    Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 1 Anatole Cerfberr 1865

  • The marquise found Desgrais at the appointed spot: he gave her his arm then holding her hand in his own, he gave a sign, the archers appeared, the lover threw off his mask, Desgrais was confessed, and the marquise was his prisoner.

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836


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  • Or the spawn of 50 ('fiddy') cent.

    March 8, 2008