
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The state or quality of being obvious.
  • noun Medicine The state or quality of being open, expanded, or unblocked.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Specifically, in pathology, the state of being open or pervious, as a tube or canal.
  • noun The state of being patent or evident.—2. The state of being spread open or enlarged, Dunglison.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The condition of being open, enlarged, or spread.
  • noun The state of being patent or evident.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun medicine The degree of openness of a tube, such as a blood vessel or catheter; the relative absence of blockage. Measured in percent.
  • noun uncountable Obviousness; clarity.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun the openness (lack of obstruction) of a bodily passage or duct
  • noun the property of being easy to see and understand


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

patent +‎ -cy


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  • However, the question of long-term patency awaits a planned, five-year angiographic follow-up, according to Steven Goldman, MD, of the Tucson VA Hospital in Arizona, who reported the results here at the American College of Cardiology meeting. - medical news plus CME for physicians 2010

  • ATLANTA -- Coronary artery bypass grafts taken from the radial artery may provide short-term patency that is just as good as standard saphenous vein grafts, researchers found in a randomized trial. - medical news plus CME for physicians 2010

  • Advance PTX is designed to increase long-term patency in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and is one of the first PTA balloon catheters to be coated with paclitaxel, an antiproliferative drug that has been used successfully to reduce the risk of arterial restenosis following angioplasty in coronary disease patients. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed 2009

  • There are a number of important factors that could cause Cardica's results to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements, including risks associated with market acceptance of Cardica's C-Port systems and long-term patency of CABG grafts completed with Cardica's C-Port systems, as well as other risks detailed from time to time in Cardica's SEC reports, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2008

  • recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has raised a number of questions about the long term patency of endoscopically harvested saphenous veins that are collected and used for coronary artery bypass grafts.

    Medgadget 2009

  • Interventional radiologists found no difference between the two age groups when it comes to "patency" or the openness of AV fistulas or accesses needed for dialysis.

    EurekAlert! - Breaking News 2009

  • Preferred access at any age: Comparison by interventional radiologists shows no difference in 'patency' or openness of arteriovenous (AV) fistulas

    EurekAlert! - Breaking News 2009

  • Stents have been used for years with success to establish and maintain patency in partially occluded coronary arteries and it seemed reasonable that they might be similarly used for the carotid arteries.

    Dr. Dennis Gottfried: Is The Media Covering Medicine Accurately Dr. Dennis Gottfried 2011

  • Stents have been used for years with success to establish and maintain patency in partially occluded coronary arteries and it seemed reasonable that they might be similarly used for the carotid arteries.

    Dr. Dennis Gottfried: Is The Media Covering Medicine Accurately Dr. Dennis Gottfried 2011

  • Another way of referencing the situation is to say that a woman is "losing patency."

    Marcia G. Yerman: A New Look At The Older Vagina Marcia G. Yerman 2011


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  • True friendship must follow on latency -

    An interval promoting patency,

    For time and some trial

    Expose any guile.

    So bide for a while to wait and see.

    May 9, 2016