
from The Century Dictionary.

  • See fantasy and fancy.
  • noun See fantasy.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun See fantasy, and fancy.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Dated form of fantasy.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun something many people believe that is false
  • noun imagination unrestricted by reality
  • noun fiction with a large amount of imagination in it


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  • The end game of your little libertarian phantasy is a few have the resources for 100 combat troops when they want to go buy some bok choy, and the rest of us are dodging bombs, thieves and bullets. rmm.

    State Sen. Ed Murray: “Sales Tax Very Much in Play.” « PubliCola 2010

  • Materialization of both wish and phantasy is monstrous to Victor, because his egoic coherence depends on denying the death-drive that he sublimes as life — especially the life of science, invention, and creativity.

    Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality 2008

  • Carlson, (Romanticism's) phantasy is our reality test, which she provocatively refers to as the in/fancy of

    Introduction 2008

  • They proposed a mechanism called phantasy, action through a sort of soul substance some may have looked for its receptor in clandestine dissections; then, as pacesetters must, they moved on to more rewarding questions.

    Director of the Vatican Observatory Takes On A Cardinal - The Panda's Thumb 2005

  • The common sense stands midway between the corporeal sense of sight and the imagination, which is in the anterior chamber of the brain, and is known as phantasy (Aristotelian φαντασία).

    A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy Isaac Husik 1907

  • So far we have used "phantasy" only of real or imaginary impressions of sense.

    Guide to Stoicism St. George William Joseph Stock

  • Then, by a sleight of hand, he transforms this "phantasy" of his own brain into an unquestionable fact.

    Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply Charles Wentworth Upham 1838

  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974).

    Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice EDA G. GOLDSTEIN 2001

  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974).

    Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice EDA G. GOLDSTEIN 2001

  • What i missed most was some good science fiction/phantasy.

    Matthew Yglesias » TV Show of the Decade 2009


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