
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To ponder; consider.
  • To weigh; have weight or ponderosity.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • intransitive verb rare To have weight or influence.
  • transitive verb rare To consider; to ponder.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb intransitive To have weight or influence.


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  • “Piuttosto che ostinarsi sul tema del tabacco, la campagna educa i giovani del Colorado a fare scelte ponderate, e li incoraggia ad affrontarne le conseguenze, buone o cattive che esse siano.”

    No Fat Clips!!! : Own Your C: C-Tree 2007

  • Four years ago, not long after their first acquaintance, he had made her an offer of marriage, impelled by something which had appeared at the time quite outside himself and his usual wise, ponderate view of life.

    Studies in love and in terror Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • With some surprise, even perhaps with some discomfiture, he sees himself -- for he has not wholly cast out the old Adam -- he sees himself as he was that memorable morning, carried, that is, wholly out of his usual wise, ponderate self.

    Studies in love and in terror Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • I besiege your most noble onnur to ponderate mercifooly of these thinks, and of a dockin of the entail, and of a settin of the deeds of the lawyers to work.

    Anna St. Ives Thomas Holcroft 1777


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  • Lexicographers eagerly explicate.

    Though some are disposed to pontificate

    A scholar who’s prudent

    Is modesty’s student,

    Inclined to first quietly ponderate.

    November 10, 2018