
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb transitive, slang To waylay, kidnap or steal.
  • verb Internet slang To publish one's music-listening habits to the Internet via software, in order to track when and how often certain songs are played.
  • noun A datum or the aggregate data collected by this means.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

1927, in the book The Midnight Folk by John Masefield.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From the name of the Internet service Audioscrobbler.


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  • Last. fm recommends similar music choices to users each time they "scrobble" or play a song.

    Home 2010

  • Spotify has long let users "scrobble" song listens to Last. fm profiles.

    mocoNews Robert Andrews 2010

  • You can "scrobble" all your tracks (share a list of what you play to your Last. fm profile), listen to your custom Last. fm radio stations, and even ban or love tracks to further personalize your Last. fm experience.

    Macworld David Chartier 2010

  • What's even more, ExtensionFM will let you "scrobble" to Last. fm, which means it will follow along and keep track of your music listening habits and send them to your Last. fm account.

    ReadWriteWeb Mike Melanson 2010

  • You can "scrobble" all your tracks (share a list of what you play to your Last. fm profile), listen to your custom Last. fm radio stations, and even ban or love tracks to further personalize your Last. fm experience.

    Macworld David Chartier 2010

  • Last. fm recommends similar music choices to users each time they "scrobble" or play a song.

    Home 2010

  • Use the built-in Last. fm app to "scrobble" your personal playlist and learn more about favorite artists, then use Kinoma Play's unmatched YouTube app to watch their music videos.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2009

  • Third-party apps that allow users to "scrobble" (or share, in mundane English) information with Last. fm about music played in various media players will "always be free," and this is no surprise.

    Ars Technica 2009

  • I'm just sad that last. fm doesn't scrobble LPs ....

    Tweets I have known 2009

  • FM helper app, or a portable music player that I can scrobble with without the equivalent level of cruft, then I'll switch.

    iTuner Is The One iTunes Helper To Rule Them All | Lifehacker Australia 2010


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  • From Wiktionary:

    (Internet, slang) To publish one's music-listening habits via software, as counted events when songs or albums are played, to selected internet services in order to track them over time, out of curiosity and/or to make them visible to others.

    July 3, 2010