
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In golf, to hinder by a stimy.
  • noun In golf, the position of a ball on a putting-green when it is directly between the hole for which an adversary is playing and his ball at any distance over six inches between the two.
  • In golf, to force to play a stimy. To stimy one's opponent is so to play one's ball as to bring it into a position between his ball and the hole, the two balls being more than six inches apart.
  • noun In golf, the position of a ball when it is directly between the hole for which an adversary is playing and his ball.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of stymie.
  • verb Alternative spelling of stymie.


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  • We WILL be closely watching how long it takes for the prices to drop to realistic levels, how long it takes for common wananchi to actually see the speed benefits, how much bickering occurs as inland countries have to kowtow for access to the ocean cable links, and how much corporate foot-dragging will occur to stimy user access in order to maintain their revenue margins (e.g. thru per-megabyte pricing).

    Global Voices in English » Africa: The arrival of Seacom cable sparks debate 2009

  • "Don't be silly, Sara," said Aunt Janet, a little stimy.

    The Golden Road 1908

  • "You laid me that stimy of set purpose," cried Dickon, throwing down his club in a rage; "and this is the third time you have done it in this game."

    A Monk of Fife Andrew Lang 1878

  • In a day or two, he was drinking beer (which he would previously have rejected as poison), was sleeping like a top, and was laying down the law on stimy, and other "mysteries more than Eleusinian."

    Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, November 19, 1892 Various 1876

  • If the Democrats manage to lose the seat in November, they might consider blaming an election system that is quite literally designed to stimy "majority rule" save in races where there are only two candidates.

    Balkinization 2010

  • While they stimy job creation and are planning on raising our taxes as they treat the tax payers as cash machines.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local NWBroncsFan 2009

  • Next they must prove that even the effects of that warming is a net "bad" thing demanding action to attempt to stimy it.

    Ace of Spades HQ 2009


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  • It's stymy (if the verb is what you mean; there may be a 'stimy' adjective I haven't heard of)

    July 8, 2009