
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Tread; tramp; track.
  • Trampled; crushed; hence, insulted; degraded: much used in composition with an adverbial element: as, down-trodden.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • imp. & p. p. of tread.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb To walk heavily or laboriously; plod; tread
  • verb Simple past of tread.


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  • And nightly I did return; my feet again trod the daisied meadows of England; the song of her birds was in my ears; I wept with delight to find myself once more wandering beneath the fragrant shade of her green hedge-rows; and I awoke to weep in earnest when I found it but a dream.

    Roughing It in the Bush 1852

  • In life, the camel with no name trod the sands of the Middle East. 2009

  • In life, the camel with no name trod the sands of the Middle East. 2009

  • In life, the camel with no name trod the sands of the Middle East. 2009

  • In life, the camel with no name trod the sands of the Middle East. 2009

  • In life, the camel with no name trod the sands of the Middle East. 2009

  • Since his retirement two years ago, Ted has "trod" in his mother's footsteps in still another way: He has been writing essays and personal vignettes.

    unknown title 2009

  • After traveling up the upper Potomac on “the worst road that ever was trod by man or beast” on March 21, there followed two days of heavy rain.

    George Washington’s First War David A. Clary 2011

  • Pingback: » Watching Iran more closely for I trod the Middle Way

    Global Voices in English » Iran: Storm of protest after election 2009

  • But both regimes are big favorites of the United States, and in choosing whom to indict, in Congo and elsewhere, the ICC has trod carefully to avoid antagonizing the U.S.

    The Trial of Thomas Lubanga 2009


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  • It was not the sort of book that a psychological researcher following the well-trod path to academic success would take on.

    January 18, 2018