fascination,enchantment. The belief that some persons had the power of injuring others by their looks among the Greeks and Romans,as it is in modern times.(The evil eye)
The fascinum was an amulet in the form of a phallus which was hung around the necks of children. The evil eye was supposed to injure children particularly.
William Smith,D.C.L.,LLD, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities John Murray,London, 1875
Have your unabridged dictionary by your side. Note the word iridule. I think it was coined by Nabokov. I read Pale Fire so long ago I don't recall how it might be interpreted. Let me know if you figure out its meaning in its context.
A form of witchcraft in which an image of a person is made ,usually of wax,and then stabbed with pins,thorns,or the like, or slowly melted before a fire, it being supposed that the person imaged will suffer injury or waste away in death in consequence. The superstition is as old as human culture and spread throughout a great part of the world.
This word was not coined by Vladimir Nabokov in Pale Fire, his book of 1962.
Versipel is listed in Webster's New International Dictionary,1932 edition. The definition is: A creature capable of changing from one form to another,as a werewolf.
Comments by pavonine
Show previous 200 comments...
pavonine commented on the word epithymetic
pertaining to appetite, sexual and otherwise
November 28, 2007
pavonine commented on the word cacophrenia
Bad or dysfunctional thinking
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word pinguid
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ustulate
stained or charred as if scorched
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word solatium
something that eases or makes up for suffering or loss
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word nostology
the science of caring for the elderly
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word pudency
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word pseudologist
One who utters falsehoods; a liar.
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word protervity
Peevishness; petulance.
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word jugate
paired or connected
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word agnoiology
the science or study of ignorance, which determines its quality and conditions.
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word circumforaneous
Going about or abroad; walking or wandering from house to
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word dedition
The act of yielding; surrender.
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word expromission
the act of assuming another's debt
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word inficete
dull, unfunny, deadly serious, humorless
November 25, 2007
pavonine commented on the word subvene
To come under, as a support or stay; to happen.
November 24, 2007
pavonine commented on the word osculate
Also, to touch with the lips
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word megalonisus
a tendency to exaggerate.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word suggilate
beat black and blue; slander.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word furacious
Given to theft; thievish
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word eisegesis
Consider Charles Kinbote in Pale Fire
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word bromopnea
bad breath
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word compursion
the wrinkling of one's face
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word nephalism
Total abstinence from spirituous liquor.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word vapulation
the act of beating or flogging
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word transfuge
a deserter;an apostate
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word obreptitious
obtained by trickery or by concealing the truth
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word loganamnosis
preoccupation with trying to recall forgotten words
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word asitia
Want of appetite; loathing of food.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word hypobulia
n. diminution in ability to act or decide
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word immund
unclean;filthy Rare.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word illability
infallibility Obs.
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word altrigenderism
the point of development at which one becomes attracted to persons of the opposite sex
November 23, 2007
pavonine commented on the word periplus
a voyage or trip around something
November 20, 2007
pavonine commented on the word calcitrate
To kick.
November 20, 2007
pavonine commented on the word evirate
To emasculate; to dispossess of manhood.
November 20, 2007
pavonine commented on the word callidity
Acuteness of discernment; cunningness; shrewdness
November 20, 2007
pavonine commented on the word undinist
a man sexually aroused by water,esp urine
Nabokov,Lolita p.252
November 12, 2007
pavonine commented on the word fascinum
fascination,enchantment. The belief that some persons had the power of injuring others by their looks among the Greeks and Romans,as it is in modern times.(The evil eye)
The fascinum was an amulet in the form of a phallus which was hung around the necks of children. The evil eye was supposed to injure children particularly.
William Smith,D.C.L.,LLD, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities John Murray,London, 1875
Not in OED
Nabokov,Lolita p 21
November 12, 2007
pavonine commented on the word uranist
a homosexual
Nabokov,Lolita p. 18
November 12, 2007
pavonine commented on the word goetic
Also a noun:necromancer;a magician-Webster's New International Dictionary (1913)
Used by Nabokov as an adjective on page 183 of Pale Fire
November 10, 2007
pavonine commented on the word cogitabund
archaic:given to deep thought:having the appearance of being in deep meditation:pensive
November 10, 2007
pavonine commented on the word pudibundity
Nabokov,Pale Fire p.114
November 10, 2007
pavonine commented on the word inquinated
Burgess,Earthly Powers
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ephectic
Beckett,The Unnamable
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ignavia
Theroux,Darconville's Cat
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word gulous
greedy for food,gluttonous
Burgess,Tremor Of Intent
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word impuberal
not adult,prepubescent
Nabokov,Transparent Things
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word menald
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word funest
portending death or evil
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word lentor
a. slowness,sluggishness b. tenacity,viscidity
November 9, 2007
pavonine commented on the word preterist
Have your unabridged dictionary by your side. Note the word iridule. I think it was coined by Nabokov. I read Pale Fire so long ago I don't recall how it might be interpreted. Let me know if you figure out its meaning in its context.
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word impleach
Yes. They are interchangeable
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word demidiate
It's spelled both ways. See OED 2
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word enracinate
to be rooted in
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word preterist
one who is overly fond of the past
Nabokov, Pale Fire
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word pervivacious
obstinately maintaining one's opinion
Spackman,An Armful of Warm Girl
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word desipience
Fowles, The Magus
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word balatron
a buffoon,an unintentional clown
Theroux, Darconville's Cat
November 8, 2007
pavonine commented on the word parergy
something unimportant,incidental or superfluous
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word comprecation
a praying together
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word apolaustic
devoted to enjoyment
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word desipient
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word rhamphoid
shaped like a beak
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word mirate
to wonder at;to be pleased at
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word mactation
act of killing,especially a sacrificial victim
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word villatic
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word stupration
the act of violating a woman;seduction,rape
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word vellication
act of twitching or causing to twitch
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word cartulary
a place or register for records
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word psychagogue
Also psychagogos a conductor of souls to the lower world
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word panurgic
apt or ready in all kinds of work
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word invultuation
A form of witchcraft in which an image of a person is made ,usually of wax,and then stabbed with pins,thorns,or the like, or slowly melted before a fire, it being supposed that the person imaged will suffer injury or waste away in death in consequence. The superstition is as old as human culture and spread throughout a great part of the world.
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word anoia
also anoesia mental deficiency;idiocy
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ephebos
a youth entering manhood or just enrolled as a citizen
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word apograph
a copy;a transcript
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word perlustrate
to go through and examine thoroughly;to survey
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word effraction
the action of making forcible entry
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word latration
a barking
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word scortatory
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word humect
Also humectate to moisten;to wet;to become moistened
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word venust
From the goddess Venus - beautiful;pleasant
November 6, 2007
pavonine commented on the word mirific
Working wonders;wonderful
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word lagnosis
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word demidiate
To halve or reduce to the half
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ruelle
A private assembly;a select social gathering
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word effund
To pour out;to effuse
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ephialtes
Nightmare;also,the demon believed to cause it
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word irrorate
Covered with little spots;speckled
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word uletic
Of or pertaining to the gums
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word incrassate
To thicken;inspissate;esp Phar. to thicken (a liquid) by admixture of another substance,or by evaporating
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word ferruginate
To charge or stain,as a rock,with a compound of iron;to impart the colors or properties of iron rust to
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word impleach
To pleach,interweave
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word repristinate
To restore as to an original state;to revive
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word dout
Verb(with object) extinguish(a fire or light)
Noun a cigarette end
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word putanism
putanism. Habitual lewdness or prostitution of a woman; harlotry.
November 5, 2007
pavonine commented on the word versipel
This word was not coined by Vladimir Nabokov in Pale Fire, his book of 1962.
Versipel is listed in Webster's New International Dictionary,1932 edition. The definition is: A creature capable of changing from one form to another,as a werewolf.
November 4, 2007