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  • It's a sin, but if it is I'll stand by it, and now I'll swear it (here she knelt down), as Almighty God shall help me at the last day, if you and Jim will promise me to start straight off up the country and take bush-work till shearing comes on, and never to have any truck with cross chaps and their ways, I'll turn

    Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields Rolf Boldrewood 1870

  • Of course they couldn't be off knowin 'that we'd been with him; but we were to stall them off by saying we'd been helping him with a bit of bush-work or anything we could think off.

    Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields Rolf Boldrewood 1870

  • Jim will promise me to start straight off up the country and take bush-work till shearing comes on, and never to have any truck with cross chaps and their ways, I’ll turn Protestant.

    Robbery Under Arms 2004

  • Of course they couldn’t be off knowin’ that we’d been with him; but we were to stall them off by saying we’d been helping him with a bit of bush-work or anything we could think off.

    Robbery Under Arms 2004


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