
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective comparative form of charming: more charming


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  • ‘We looks a deal charminger than we are, then,’ returned

    The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit 2006

  • Hitherto, you see, she had been able to see very little of the outside of her aunt's house; and charming as the inside was, the outside, I must say, was still "charminger."

    The Cuckoo Clock 1893

  • Hitherto, you see, she had been able to see very little of the outside of her aunt's house; and charming as the inside was, the outside, I must say, was still "charminger."

    The Cuckoo Clock Mrs. Molesworth 1880

  • Hitherto, you see, she had been able to see very little of the outside of her aunt's house; and charming as the inside was, the outside, I must say, was still "charminger."

    The Cuckoo Clock Mrs. Molesworth 1880

  • 'We looks a deal charminger than we are, then,' returned Mrs Prig, a little chafed in her temper.

    Martin Chuzzlewit Charles Dickens 1841


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