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The ftrong adtion of the ni - trous acid upon tin produces a fingalar phenomenon, which is happily accounted for by the motlern difcc - verles in chemiftry.
Among thefe was fir Kenelm Digby, who, in the midft of militaiy fervices, induftrioufly profecuted phyfical refearchcs, and fpared neither labour nor expence to make himfelf mafter of the fccrets of chemiftry.
The New Annual Register, Or, General Repository of History, Politics, and ... 1796
After the. time of lord Bacon, many philoibphers, upon his principles, and after his example, m, ade ufe of the fciencc of chemiftry as an inftrument in the inveftigation of natJurt.
The New Annual Register, Or, General Repository of History, Politics, and ... 1796
Some time, however, he applied to. chemiftry; and, by the help of a. aoving elaboratofy contrived by himfelfi performed fuch things in that profefTiop 9s had never been done before.
A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an ... Account of the ... 1795
Such, however, you well know to have been the cafe with refpe6l to philofophy, and efpecially chemiftry, though the age of myf - tery and deception in this bufinefs is now over, and rational and ufeful fcience has taken place of folemn pretenfions, abfurd fyftems, and idle tricks.
Letters to the philosophers and politicians of France, on the subject of religion 1793
I had in chemiftry, that I had been too precipitate in my bargain; for the poor old man (Mr. Kerr) knew as little of the principles of bis invention (as he called it) as he did of the fubftance of the fun.
An Attempt to Promote the Commercial Interests of Great Britain William Langworthy 1793
It is difficult to fay whether he moft excels in chemiftry or mineralogy; for he is eminent in both.
A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes, and revenue of that country; and remarks in passing through a part of France Townsend, Joseph, 1739-1816 1791
* In chemiftry* if we are acquainted with the bodies which corn - pole any compound one, we can make that body.
The Monthly Review 1789
- « Memoirs relative to agricohure* cofflmerce, indoftry, oeconomy, chemiftry, botany, and natural hiftory, from the various learned academieB (Spaniih), 6 vol». gvo.
The Monthly Review 1786
The other Memoirs in the clafs of chemiftry are, Mem.
The Monthly Review 1782
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