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  • Even allowing for coat-trailing, it is clear that Orwell's honesty is rooted in his own conflicted personality.

    The Complete Works of George Orwell (reviews) 1999

  • The book to some extent invited -- and Kingsley availed himself of the opportunity in a far more than sufficient degree -- that "coat-trailing" which, as has been said, inevitably in its turn provokes "coat-treading": and it has been abused from various quarters.

    The English Novel George Saintsbury 1889

  • With its mix of coat-trailing hyperbole and hare-brained logic, it is a claim that encapsulates Goldhagen's style of argument.

    New Statesman 2010

  • They must say yes to the principle of respecting democratic party mandates and they must say no to any return to coat-trailing parades.

    Slugger O'Toole 2010

  • With its mix of coat-trailing hyperbole and hare-brained logic, it is a claim that encapsulates Goldhagen's style of argument.

    New Statesman 2010

  • With its mix of coat-trailing hyperbole and hare-brained logic, it is a claim that encapsulates Goldhagen's style of argument.

    New Statesman 2010

  • They must say yes to the principle of respecting democratic party mandates and they must say no to any return to coat-trailing parades.

    Slugger O'Toole 2010

  • With its mix of coat-trailing hyperbole and hare-brained logic, it is a claim that encapsulates Goldhagen's style of argument.

    New Statesman 2010

  • Later he seemed to see no contradiction between his flirtations with paramilitarism and equal justice for all and between his coat-trailing efforts to get arrested and respect for the rule of law.

    Slugger O'Toole Brian Walker 2010

  • With its mix of coat-trailing hyperbole and hare-brained logic, it is a claim that encapsulates Goldhagen's style of argument.

    New Statesman 2010


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