
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who dedicates.


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  • But if the dedicant of the land had himself purchased it from a third person who had sold it because of his poverty, then at the Jubilee it reverted to the latter, and the dedicant had to recompense the sanctuary by paying its redemption price calculated as before (Lev., xxvii, 16-25).

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss 1840-1916 1913

  • Even if she hadn’t been sworn to neutrality as a dedicant of Celestia, this war was none of her affair.

    THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD Liane Merciel 2010

  • Granting her the status of a Blessed suited his purposes, Bitharn realized: it lent her report greater authority than if she’d come as a humble dedicant.

    THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD Liane Merciel 2010

  • Ei pro fimulacris enfes & cin&oria dedicant] I» habent multi libri veteres, & ica omnioorefcribendumfaiCy ucobfervatum jam Salmafio, & ante ilium Ciacconio. 1q aliis tin&oriay qu6d iicec in quibusdam exflec Glofiariist io - eprum camen eric vocabulum fi pro acinace accipiacur.

    Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri tres: cum Petri Joannis Olivarii Valentini, viri in ... Pomponius Mela , Ermolao Barbaro, C . Julius Solinus 1782


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