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  • This comment was originally posted on Hacker News hachiya said at 11am on Feb 16th # |

    What really happened at Ma.gnolia and lessons learned | FactoryCity 2009

  • There are also hachiya persimmons, acorn-shaped and nearly inedible unless squishy-ripe.

    Taste Test: Persimmon - Boing Boing 2009

  • I let the soft hachiya persimmons ripen to a water-balloon like state, then cut of the tops and eat the soft pulp with a spoon.

    Winter Fruit Salad Mercedes 2007

  • I let the soft hachiya persimmons ripen to a water-balloon like state, then cut of the tops and eat the soft pulp with a spoon.

    Archive 2007-01-01 Mercedes 2007

  • I'm just learning about persimmons and have some hachiya persimmons in my freezer right now, but haven't made anything with them yet.

    Persimmon Chutney Annemarie 2007

  • The hachiya should be like a balloon about to burst before eating or you will “pucker up” from the astringency.

    Make It Easy Make It Light Laurie Burrows Grad 1987

  • Use either the fuyu, the flatter-shaped applelike hard persimmon, which does not need to be ripe before eating, or the hachiya, the plum-shaped, slightly pointed, bright orange variety, which must be very ripe—I repeat, very ripe—before eating.

    Make It Easy Make It Light Laurie Burrows Grad 1987

  • The hachiya should be like a balloon about to burst before eating or you will “pucker up” from the astringency.

    Make It Easy Make It Light Laurie Burrows Grad 1987

  • The hachiya should be like a balloon about to burst before eating or you will “pucker up” from the astringency.

    Make It Easy Make It Light Laurie Burrows Grad 1987

  • Use either the fuyu, the flatter-shaped applelike hard persimmon, which does not need to be ripe before eating, or the hachiya, the plum-shaped, slightly pointed, bright orange variety, which must be very ripe—I repeat, very ripe—before eating.

    Make It Easy Make It Light Laurie Burrows Grad 1987


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