Before the hofpital is a irge piece of ground, on each fide whereof is a co - onade of great length, which extend towards the ates; the large area between which and the hofpital
A tour through the island of Great Britain : divided into circuits or journies ... 1778
It is planted with fhady trees; and in the centre is a building which ferves for a hofpital, or lazaretto, for perfons afHifted with the leprofy, or other incurable difeafes, who are fent thither from Batavia.
Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World 1812
They fent, on their arrival, great numbers to the hofpital in very dreadful circumftances.
Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World 1812
It con - tains 35,000 iiihabirants, has four con - vents, and an hofpital.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country, the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearings and distances in English miles from remarkable places; and the various events by which they have been distinguished : including an account of the counties, cities, boroughs, market-towns, and principal villages, in Great Britain and Ireland 1797
The poor pilgrims arc received into an hofpital, built for that purpofe, which ftands nwr the church, and round it are galleries of freefton '. -, fup - ported by large pillars.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country, the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearings and distances in English miles from remarkable places; and the various events by which they have been distinguished : including an account of the counties, cities, boroughs, market-towns, and principal villages, in Great Britain and Ireland 1797
N. GoN.REViLLE, a town of France, in the department of Memthe and late pro - vince ot Lorrain, with a caftie, and a magnificent hofpital.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country, the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearings and distances in English miles from remarkable places; and the various events by which they have been distinguished : including an account of the counties, cities, boroughs, market-towns, and principal villages, in Great Britain and Ireland 1797
The enlightened and humane Dr. Ru | h told me, that he had endeavoured for a long time» in vain, to introduce a change in this particular; and that this hofpital was founded at a time when little attention was thought pecelTary for the ac - commodation of fools. 1 obferved, that none of thefe fools were naked, or indecent | a thing very common with us.
Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of ... 1797
Chelsea, a village in Middkfex, on the Thames, one mile w of Wettminfter; remaikable for its magnificent hofpital for the invalids of the anny, and for the noble rotur. do in the garden of Ranelagh Houfe, a place of ftfhionable amule - ment in the iummer evenings, and the fineft itrufturc of the kind in Europe.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country, the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearings and distances in English miles from remarkable places; and the various events by which they have been distinguished : including an account of the counties, cities, boroughs, market-towns, and principal villages, in Great Britain and Ireland 1797
Near the E gate of the city is St. John's hofpital, in the hall of which the corporation give their enter - tainments.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the government, customs, manners, and religion of the inhabitants; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country, the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns; their longitude, latitude, bearings and distances in English miles from remarkable places; and the various events by which they have been distinguished : including an account of the counties, cities, boroughs, market-towns, and principal villages, in Great Britain and Ireland 1797
The governors to provide a new burial ground in London* and empowered to fhut up certain foot paths through the hofpital in London.
The Statutes at Large from the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great ... 1795
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