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  • One thing I did like about it outside of the whole kdrama thing and the paranormal reveals was the whole skewed/missing memory thing Despain played with in the second half.

    Review: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain Ah Yuan // wingstodust 2010

  • Seriously, it was following the Kdrama formula to the letter, to the point where I was like, hmm, if this were a kdrama I could basically see the general direction of the story omg it actually happened!

    Archive 2010-02-01 Ah Yuan // wingstodust 2010

  • One thing I did like about it outside of the whole kdrama thing and the paranormal reveals was the whole skewed/missing memory thing Despain played with in the second half.

    Archive 2010-02-01 Ah Yuan // wingstodust 2010

  • Seriously, it was following the Kdrama formula to the letter, to the point where I was like, hmm, if this were a kdrama I could basically see the general direction of the story omg it actually happened!

    Review: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain Ah Yuan // wingstodust 2010

  • Like, I really liked the mother in the present setting of this new kdrama called "Will It Snow For Christmas" Which you should totally watch if you're in the mood for a melodrama

    Casting Ash in a J-drama AKA If Japan Ever Decided to Make a Lesbian!Cinderella Drama.. Ah Yuan // wingstodust 2010

  • Some of you may be watching this kdrama remake of a jdrama remake of a tdrama adaptation of an anime adaptation of a manga (OK it's probably just an adaptation of the manga, but it's way more fun to say that way). Antenna 2009

  • So i should stop here. as i am about to embark on another long-d part of my 3 year relationship, i know how tough it can be and how much soul-searching it requires to figure out if its "worth it". i am so happy for you and barry. afterall, nothing worth having comes easy. ok this is totally unrelated and ruins the 'serious' tone of my comment but if you are looking for kdrama to replace Korean F4, you should check out "You're Beautiful". it just finished airing in korea!

    Planet Malaysia 2009


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