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  • "I know I'm not much of a sq -- ladies'-man," he persisted; "but I can learn, can't I?"

    Stanford Stories Tales of a Young University Will Irwin 1910

  • Hamilton was what is called a ladies'-man, but his attachments were not deep, and he rather flirted than loved.

    Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete George Gilfillan 1845

  • Hamilton was what is called a ladies'-man, but his attachments were not deep, and he rather flirted than loved.

    Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Volume 3 George Gilfillan 1845

  • The three leads, in diminishing order of idiocy: belligerent, pot-growing redneck Ricky; ladies'-man Julian, never without his black T-shirt and glass of rum and Coke; and the decent, hapless, thick-lensed Bubbles.

    Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue 2010

  • He created a new template for the modern R&B singer with his aggressive brand of soul and his smooth, ladies'-man image on songs that were sexually charged but never coarse or vulgar.

    RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds 2010

  • The game itself is as much adventure as role-player, packing in encounters with quirky characters along the way, including a number of scantily-clad females, with a voluptuous princess among the lovelies our ladies'-man protagonist Haken Browning makes eyes (and suggestive remarks) at.

    Wii Wii 2009

  • Counting Crows frontman Adam Duritz mines his ladies'-man rep for creative gold

    Riverfront Times | Complete Issue 2009

  • He's really hairy, but he puts himself across as a smooth ladies'-man guy. "

    Eight Day Week 2002

  • Be as nice to the child as you like, but mind, none of those little ladies'-man attentions with which it is so easy to steal -- "

    My Brilliant Career Miles Franklin 1916

  • Merritt David Janes 'ladies'-man candlestick Lumiere lights up the evening in a vaudeville turn, leading the ensemble "Be Our

    SFGate: Top News Stories 2010


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