
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Provided with a language; having or speaking a language or languages.
  • Skilled in language, or learned in several languages; instructed in languages.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Having a language; skilled in language; -- chiefly used in composition.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Having a specified type or number of languages.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

language +‎ -ed


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  • We know that the words you've listed are "languaged" so why not remind people so they more consciously choose their words, rather than serving the right wing by using Frank Luntz's messages? by

    Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews 2007

  • Some are "languaged" and have extra meaning imbued in them by language strategists like Frank Luntz, and some are foul language, which we are trying to discourage the use of.

    Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews 2007

  • We're also using this word tracking software to catch the use of words that have been "languaged" by right wingers like Frank Luntz -- words like "Death Tax" and "Iraq war," and suggestions for other language, like inheritance tax and Iraq occupation will be suggested, so writers won't serve the message of the right wing.

    Printing: Zionism, Zionists; Defining meaning, Abuse, Overuse 2007

  • We're also using this word tracking software to catch the use of words that have been "languaged" by right wingers like Frank Luntz -- words like "Death Tax" and "Iraq war," and suggestions for other language, like inheritance tax and Iraq occupation will be suggested, so writers won't serve the message of the right wing.

    Zionism, Zionists; Defining meaning, Abuse, Overuse 2007

  • We know that the words you've listed are "languaged" so why not remind people so they more consciously choose their words, rather than serving the right wing by using Frank Luntz's messages? by

    Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews 2007

  • Some are "languaged" and have extra meaning imbued in them by language strategists like Frank Luntz, and some are foul language, which we are trying to discourage the use of.

    Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews 2007

  • Some are "languaged" and have extra meaning imbued in them by language strategists like Frank Luntz, and some are foul language, which we are trying to discourage the use of.

    Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews 2007

  • The man who was known as "McNasty" in high school has erupted in foul-languaged tirades at political foes and congressional colleagues more-or-less throughout his career, and his quickness to anger has been an issue on the presidential campaign trail as evidence of his fury has surfaced.

    Easter Lemming Liberal News 2008

  • From the that demo, this sounds like it will be the most foul-languaged service on the web.

    Anyclip: Finally, A Movie Clip Search Engine | /Film 2009

  • I usually love foreign languaged movies and stuff, and I found it great that Lost and Heroes started using it, but I feel the same ... Week in Rewind | the TV addict 2007


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