
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as runt.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete A runt.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Obsolete form of runt.


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  • She, might have agreed with essayist Stephen Zunes when he wrote for theForeign Policy in Focuson December 11, 2007, "(F) ront-runnerfor the Democratic nomination for president shares much of President Bush's dangerous attitudes toward international law and human rights."

    Moneybag Democracy 2009

  • I ront to rend my ronrolances to ra Rataroto ramilree and tell them rat Riawao was ruved by me and Raggy, and we rope they know rat ree ruved Riwao rearly.

    Archive 2007-01-01 2007

  • We diskubberd uh noo restee-ront heer wat haz un awl-U-kin-nom sooshee bar.

    Don’t ask. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • He said, 'Yes, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax , and the car's parked right out in f ront.'

    Archive 2008-08-01 Charles Statman 2008

  • The controls were all up in the ront seat, by Special Agent Johnson.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001

  • When I was about to run up the walk to my ront porch, she heaved this real big sigh, and went, Jessica, I really think you should say something to your mom and dad.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001

  • The controls were all up in the ront seat, by Special Agent Johnson.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001

  • At lunch, Ruth teased me about dating a Grit in ront of some of our other friends from Orchestra, so they started teasing me, too.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001

  • At lunch, Ruth teased me about dating a Grit in ront of some of our other friends from Orchestra, so they started teasing me, too.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001

  • When I was about to run up the walk to my ront porch, she heaved this real big sigh, and went, Jessica, I really think you should say something to your mom and dad.

    When Lightning Strikes Jenny Carroll 2001


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