semi-democratic love



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  • Now, Freedom House classifies 21 as functioning democracies—crucially bookended by the continent's two giants, Nigeria and South Africa—with another six regarded as "semi-democratic."

    The Real Legacy of Nelson Mandela Peter Godwin 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • The semi-democratic states of Egypt and Lebanon, the dictatorial Syria and Iraq, the theocratic Iran and the despotic kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait all aimed their political fire at the Jewish state.

    Sharon Waxman: How Egypt's Social Media Revolution Could Spread Across the Middle East Sharon Waxman 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • The semi-democratic states of Egypt and Lebanon, the dictatorial Syria and Iraq, the theocratic Iran and the despotic kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait all aimed their political fire at the Jewish state.

    Sharon Waxman: How Egypt's Social Media Revolution Could Spread Across the Middle East Sharon Waxman 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • I think Biden and his team have done the best job that any outsider could have done in helping to calm sectarian distrust and to generate a commitment to a semi-democratic process as Iraq evolves.

    Steve Clemons: Getting the Audit Right on Iraq Steve Clemons 2011

  • "We learned what not to do: don't jump into deep waters immediately, don't be argumentative, realise that there is a semi-democratic community out there, realise how not to get yourself banned," says Yisrael Medad, one of the course participants, from Shiloh.

    Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups 2010


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