
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective informal without unnecessary things.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

stuff +‎ -less


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  • It was at the very end of the road, and when an enormous weariness had begun to add some kind of interest to this stuffless episode of the dull day, that a peasant with a brutal face, driving a cart very rapidly, came up with me.

    The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc 1911

  • Rose had not allowed herself one word of fret or of repining; but on three different nights during that first week, she had got out of bed and wandered about the house, till Anna, hearing the quiet, stuffless sounds of bare feet, had come out, and leading the girl into the still warm kitchen, had comforted her.

    Good Old Anna Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • And yet it was only the sound -- the almost stuffless sound -- of a splash!

    From out the Vasty Deep Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • A stuffless voice -- the voice of his first wife, the long-dead girl to whom his mind so seldom reverted nowadays -- uttered into his ear the words, "Take care!"

    The Lodger Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • At last she heard the cautious, stuffless tread of his rubber-soled shoes shuffling along the hall.

    The Lodger Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • Catherine shuddered as she heard the stuffless sounds, the tiny rustlings and burrowings of those wild, shy creatures whose solitude had lately been so rudely invaded, and who now of man's night made their day.

    Studies in love and in terror Marie Belloc Lowndes 1907

  • Polls and surveys - why stuffless persons want to shine in yahoo? en Español

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010

  • Polls and surveys - why stuffless persons want to shine in yahoo? en Español

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010

  • Polls and surveys - why stuffless persons want to shine in yahoo? en Español

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010

  • Polls and surveys - why stuffless persons want to shine in yahoo? en Español

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010


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