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  • I can shed some light on the weird "sweatsock" cakes.

    Multiple Choices for Mom Jen 2009

  • When the snake bit her just above the ankle, where the swell of her calf rose from the grip of the heavy white sweatsock she wore as protection against the evening chill, it was just doing what it was designed to do.

    The Silence 2010

  • When the snake bit her just above the ankle, where the swell of her calf rose from the grip of the heavy white sweatsock she wore as protection against the evening chill, it was just doing what it was designed to do.

    The Silence 2010

  • When the snake bit her just above the ankle, where the swell of her calf rose from the grip of the heavy white sweatsock she wore as protection against the evening chill, it was just doing what it was designed to do.

    The Silence 2010

  • The much-maligned Snuggie is the sweatsock of the blanket world.

    Make A Snuggie You’d Be Proud To Wear | Lifehacker Australia 2010

  • Getting to "third base" with someone who has an insane genitalway could be like sticking your hand into a sweatsock full of broken glass.

    Coming Apart at the Hems: Excessive Panting BikeSnobNYC 2009

  • Swearing off fixed-gears because of this bicycle is like swearing off sex because the first time you did it you used a sweatsock instead of a condom.

    High Times: Suspending Bikes and Disbelief BikeSnobNYC 2009

  • Though I did get to see the Chili Peppers play the Library steps during their sweatsock tour.

    tension is unbearable, I hope it lasts 2005

  • Besides, I'd rather eat a dirty, wet sweatsock than a McDonald's cheeseburger that is mostly filler anyway. 2009

  • Manning, who is so injury-prone that he has never missed a start in his 12-year career, had the expression of a man who had just swallowed a sweatsock on the sideline. stories 2009


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