tortilla-stone love


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  • Their houses were open-sided low huts, thatched with palm-leaves; their furniture, rude bedsteads made out of a few rough poles, tied together with bark, supported on crutches stuck in the ground, with raw-hides stretched across them; their cooking utensils a tortilla-stone and

    The Naturalist in Nicaragua Thomas Belt 1855

  • There are bedsteads of bamboo; the universal tortilla-stone; mats of palm-leaf; baskets of the same material; a small altar-like fireplace in the middle of the floor; a bandolin hanging by the wall; a saddle of stamped leather, profusely ornamented with silver nails and plates; a hair bridle, with huge Mameluke bit; an escopette and sword, or machete; an endless variety of gaily-painted bowls, dishes, and cups, but neither knife, fork, nor spoon.

    The Rifle Rangers Mayne Reid 1850


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