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About five or fix leagues to the fouth of this place, there is a great range of both laree and fmall iilands, and many fhoals alfo, that are not laid down in our drafts; which made it extremely troublefome for us to get through.
Their office is one of the moft troublefome of any in the Company's civil fervice at Batavia, and is not equally lucrative in comparifon with others, to which lefs labour is attached, and whence much greater profits accrue; yet it is an office of much con - fideration, as it gives the precedency before all other fenior merchants.
I vow I feel it fpringtwg 'up and expanding in my bofom I It is very troublefome: it impedes my refpira - tion.
Emily de Varmont; or, Divorce dictated by necessity; to which are added, The amours of father ... 1798
I therefore humbly fub - mit to Congrefs the propriety of handfomely rewarding thofe gentlemen who hold fuch very important, troublefome, and hazardous offices, as commiffary and quarter-matter.
In that feafon the mufquitoes are very troublefome, and oblige them to quit the woods, andiieckre - frediment on the ihore and open country.
An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States 1795
The next provifion which a Chriftian ought to make for his fecurity is, that his feet bejhod with the preparation of the Gofpel of Peace \ that is, that we walk in the practice of that peaceablenefs and charity recommended in the gofpel, which will make our Chriftian courfe more fafe and lefs troublefome.
Sermons: by the Right Reverend Father in God Thomas Wilson, ... 1795
In this troublefome and difagreeable ferviccj his greateft fnccefs was the capture of a French frigate, called the
The fuperfiitioos it hath occafioned, we are continually told of: but many feem to have forgot thofe it found in the world; the mod abfurd and abjtQ, the mod ezpenfive and troublefome, the mod im« moral and barbarous, that could be.
One admired this preacher; another that; and ano - ther a third; and, by their party-attachments, raifed troublefome difputes and dangerous contentions in the church.
A church of God described, the qualifications for membership stated, and Christian fellowship : illustrated in two discourses .. Lathrop, Joseph, 1731-1820 1792
This nation was juft returned from an expedition againft the Englifli, whom they leem to confider as very reftlefs and troublefome. neighbours.
Travels round the world : in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771 1791
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