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  • But when this revolutionary new OS has been out for a week and people are already stealing it, it just "urks" me to no end.

    Windows 7 RTM Activation Already Cracked | Lifehacker Australia 2009

  • The other thing that just "urks" me is some people can call President Obama names, criticize his attempts, say awful things about his family but, what would they do in his position if given the chance?

    legitgov 2009

  • This is one of the reasons that urks me about democrats they always come across looking weak.

    Lieberman: I'll back health care bill without Medicare expansion 2009

  • It urks me when I see people criticise Unions, when they speak as if management can be trusted by union organizers can't.

    Fire with Fire Steven Barnes 2008

  • It urks me when I see people criticise Unions, when they speak as if management can be trusted by union organizers can't.

    Archive 2008-10-01 Steven Barnes 2008

  • The only thing that urks me is that if you want anything out of copperheart… on their “news” page… you have to pay for it… CHEEEEEP!

    Pern Movie! 2006

  • I get it, I understand it, but it urks me that moviemakers can only tell war stories if they erase the woman.

    I saw four good movies this week 2005

  • So when I hear that some parents, especially women, act that way when they hear that a man is watching their children it reallys urks me.

    Bigotry Against Men In Childcare 2005

  • The thing that urks me the most about the misleading commercial campaign is that while there are major challenges due to vendor incompatibility both use Ericsson and Nokia, but often each uses a different one than the other in a given location the networks could easily be better integrated than they currently are.

    AT&T, Cingular – Merging is not that easy 2005

  • There is never a guarantee with his job. (which urks me, sometimes!)

    moee Diary Entry moee 2002


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