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  • Pg. 45, unusual spelling of word "variagated" retained. (and large and variagated smells)

    Wanderings in the Orient

  • The photograph doesn't show up the purl ridge details that well in the variagated yarn but in real life they add a very nice bit of texture to an otherwise plain cardigan.

    Archive 2008-01-01 Spinningfishwife 2008

  • The photograph doesn't show up the purl ridge details that well in the variagated yarn but in real life they add a very nice bit of texture to an otherwise plain cardigan.

    First of 2008. Spinningfishwife 2008

  • This is variagated lemon balm, which is lovely dried and kept in the yarn stash as a somewhat lightweight moth repellent.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Spinningfishwife 2008

  • This is variagated lemon balm, which is lovely dried and kept in the yarn stash as a somewhat lightweight moth repellent.

    Summer and growing things. Spinningfishwife 2008

  • I want a dead simple pattern that looks fine with variagated sock yarn, something that I don't have to look at a chart every second row.

    Got the shakes....! Spinningfishwife 2007

  • I want a dead simple pattern that looks fine with variagated sock yarn, something that I don't have to look at a chart every second row.

    Archive 2007-10-01 Spinningfishwife 2007

  • I picked up 5 or so skiens of yarns, some plain and basic (ivory, light mossy green, deep maroon) and several variagated shades (light baby pastels, and dark blue, green and red).

    haloaskew Diary Entry haloaskew 2007

  • The monstera against the verandah pillar (variagated leaves as large as serving platters) grew there apparently from a seed dropped by birds (oh so conveniently, in exactly the right spot.)

    Surprises Sharon Bakar 2005

  • The monstera against the verandah pillar (variagated leaves as large as serving platters) grew there apparently from a seed dropped by birds (oh so conveniently, in exactly the right spot.)

    Archive 2005-02-01 Sharon Bakar 2005


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