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  • Gazpacho is perhaps the best-known chilled soup of them all (just don't tell the borscht or the vichysoisse).

    Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's chilled soup recipes 2010

  • Cucumber and lettuce vichysoisse Pretty, green and light, this is agreatway to start a summer meal.

    Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's chilled soup recipes 2010

  • What's the matter, did our food editor walk out in a snit because you dumped all over her literary hero or did you overedit the vichysoisse again?

    Clara Breed Roger Sutton 2006

  • I actually really dislike vichysoisse, mostly because it is served cold and, furthermore, is usually really bland.

    Archive 2008-05-01 roopa 2008

  • I actually really dislike vichysoisse, mostly because it is served cold and, furthermore, is usually really bland.

    Spring Onion and Potato Soup with Garlic-Parmesan Croutons roopa 2008

  • Because spring onions vaguely resemble leeks, I thought to make a soup out of them, similar to vichysoisse.

    Archive 2008-05-01 roopa 2008

  • Steaming manhole covers leap like antelope under pressure once you get to naked you can't go elsewhere but dreams of plunging into pools of ice tea and lemonade wading kneedeep in cole slaw my ice cream's now vichysoisse so unlike Blanche Du Bois I prefer strangers unthawed there should be a law against mercury's rise past seventy-five stop this streetcar turn me over

    Streetcar Named Afire 2008

  • Because spring onions vaguely resemble leeks, I thought to make a soup out of them, similar to vichysoisse.

    Spring Onion and Potato Soup with Garlic-Parmesan Croutons roopa 2008

  • The vichysoisse is done and is very tasty....stay tuned for the recipe.

    My newest gadget... 2005

  • Infelizmente ainda não será esta semana que efectuarei a minha vingança ao poker - mas relembro que a vingança é um prato que se serve frio, de preferência a acompanhar uma vichysoisse e uma cataplana de carne.

    K.O. not O.K. Artur 2005


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