
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A plate having a double bottom or a lining of different material, with a space left in which hot water can be put, to keep articles of food warm.


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  • Take a large dish, fill it with cold water, and in the middle of this put a water-plate or a saucer filled with warm water.

    The Ocean and its Wonders 1859

  • Fix one of these silver funnels by its wide end to one end of the gut of a chicken fresh killed about four or six inches long, and the other to the other end of the gut; then introduce the small end of one funnel into the vein of the arm of a well person downwards towards the hand; and laying the gut with the other end on a water-plate heated to 98 degrees in a very warm room; let the blood run through it.

    Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life Erasmus Darwin 1766


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