
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Within.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adverb obsolete Within; inside; inwardly.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb obsolete within; inside; inwardly


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

within +‎ forth


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  • Also in the same: Thou hast brought me in to a desirous affection withinforth which cannot be assuaged.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 5 1230-1298 1900

  • And the king said: They be like them that be clothed with precious vestments and be full withinforth of ordure and of sin.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 7 1230-1298 1900

  • The skins be light, but the flame of fire withinforth tormenteth and all to-burneth me.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 6 1230-1298 1900

  • And also it was great by reason of service, for this feast was demonstrance of great mystery, which mystery the gloss expoundeth upon S. Luke saying: He that receiveth our Lord Jesu Christ in his house was fed withinforth plenteously of greater things than the other, that is to wit of delectations, of good manners, and of good delights.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 5 1230-1298 1900

  • And a while after he appeared to him clad in a cope written full of arguments fallacious, and sophisms, and was of parchment, and withinforth all full of flame of fire.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 6 1230-1298 1900

  • And for so much as she chose the part of contemplation withinforth, she is a lighter, for there she took so largely that she spread it abundantly.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 4 1230-1298 1900

  • But it was the force of the love withinforth, that overcame the sorrow of the flesh.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 4 1230-1298 1900

  • And therefore saith S. Gregory: The good work ought to show withoutforth that thy intention abide good withinforth the heart, without seeking within any vain glory to be allowed and praised.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 3 1230-1298 1900

  • And of the second fire he saith thus: The martyr Laurence burned withoutforth of the embracements of the tyrants, but the greater flame of the love of God burneth him withinforth.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 4 1230-1298 1900

  • For ofttimes the love of God which she had imprinted in her heart withinforth she made to appear by signs outward.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 6 1230-1298 1900


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