A list of 49 words by Lysova.ekaterina.
- an impact - удар,столкновение,влияние,воздействиеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to conquer - завоёвывать,покорять,подчинять,подавлять,побеждатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to inspire - внушать,вселять (чувство и т.п.),вдохновлятьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a fate - гибельwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to predict - предсказыватьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to fade - увядать,блёкнуть,стиратьсяwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to converge - сводить в одну точку,сходиться (о линиях,дорогах)was added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to merge - сливаться,соединятьсяwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a penchant for - склонность к чему-л.,кому-л.was added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a trait - характерная черта,особенностьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a mentor - наставник,руководительwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to draw - подходить,приближатьсяwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- testy - вспыльчивый, раздражительныйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on 2 lists
- to dish out - раздавать, (выплачивать)was added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a lawsuit - судебное дело,искwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to delight - восхищатьсяwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to disarm - обезоруживатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- reluctant - делающий (что-л.) с неохотойwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- notorious - пользующийся дурной славой,печально известныйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a hoard - запасwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on 3 lists
- an income - доход,прибыль,заработокwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- unduly - неправильно,незаконно,чрезмерноwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to audit - проверять отчетность,ревизоватьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- non-profit - некоммерческийwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to pledge - связывать обещанием,давать торжественное обещаниеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- subsequently - впоследствии,потом,позжеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- promptly - быстро,сразу,прямоwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- excessive - чрезмерный,излишнийwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a supplier - поставщикwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on 2 lists
- to lambaste - сурово критиковатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a net profit - чистая прибыльwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on 2 lists
- quarterly - квартальный, раз в кварталwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- sharply - жестоко,резкоwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a hiccup - небольшой сбой, загвоздкаwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- tricky - сложный,запутанный,хитрый,ловкийwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a praise - похвалаwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to deserve - заслуживать,быть достойным (чего-л.)was added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a helm - власть,управлениеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- an anniversary - годовщина,юбилейwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- brash - дерзкий,нахальный,наглыйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- an absence - отсутствие,отлучка,недостатокwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to fare - случаться,происходитьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a second-in-command - заместитель командираwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to humble - унижать,смирятьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- humble - скромный,робкий,простой,покорныйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to take over - вступать во владение (вместо другого лица),принимать (должность и т.д.) от другогоwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- an executive - должностное лицо,руководитель,администратор,исполнительная властьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- executive - исполнительный,административныйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- tough - жесткий,плотный,крепкий,сильный,трудный,упрямыйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
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