A list of 65 words by inveraray.
- DEEM - полагатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- LISTED COMPANY - компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой биржеwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- HOARD - запасwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- FARE - бытьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TO SMASH - разбивать вдребезгиwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PUT-DOWN - считатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PLEDGE - обещатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- AWARD - присуждатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- SUBSEQUENTLY - впоследствииwas added by inveraray and appears on 2 lists
- DISARM - обезоруживатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- DAMAGES - возмещение убытковwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TRIPLE - утраиватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- ENCOURAGE - поощритьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- WHOOPING - кричащийwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- VESTED INTEREST - закрепленное правоwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- внезапное небольшое отклонение конъюнктуры в противоложную сторону от долгосрочной тенденцииwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- AWAIT - ждатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- EARNINGS - прибыль, доходы, поступления, заработокwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- HIRE - наниматьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- OUTCOME - исходwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PRAISE - похвалаwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- REPERCUSSION - отзвукwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- THWART - препятствоватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TOUGH - жесткий, тяжелыйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- DISADVANTAGED - малоимущийwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- CHIEF EXECUTIVE - президент компанииwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- CONQUER - завоевыватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- JEOPARDISE - угрожатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- ABOLISH - отменятьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- IMPACT - ударwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- RESEARCH FELLOW - научный сотрудникwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- INCUMBENTS - чиновникиwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- ENTERPRENEURSHIP - предпренимательствоwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- DESERVE - заслуживатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TAKE OVER - приниматьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TRAIT - характерная чертаwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- VINDICATE - отстаиватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- CREDIT - уважениеwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- HICCUP - "икота"was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- ANNIVERSARY - годовщинаwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- RELUCTANT - неохотныйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- CRONY - закадычный другwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- LAMBAST - сурово критиковатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- REVAMP - реформироватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- UNDULY - чрезмерноwas added by inveraray and appears on 3 lists
- CEPTURE - захватыватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- HARD ACT TO FOLLOW - пример, которому сложно подражать в силу его великолепияwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- AILING - больнойwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- FADE - постепенно исчезатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- ROLL-OUT - внедрениеwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- VIOLATE - нарушатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- BREW - варитьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- MARKET CAPITALISATION - рыночная капитализацияwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PENCHANT - характерная чертаwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- HUMBLE - скромныйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- WAG ONLINE - онлайн обсуждениеwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- RIP OFF - вороватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TO DECLARE A TRUCE - объявлять перемириеwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PUNDIT - экспертwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- DELIGHT - восхищатьсяwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- TRANSPARENT - прозрачныйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PITHY - толстокожийwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- PROMPTY - сразуwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- NET PROFIT - чистая прибыльwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- RECTANGLE - прямоугольникwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
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