A list of 47 words by Jaina.
- loose policies - слабая политикаwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- the fortune of the economy - состояние экономикиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to flag - сигнализироватьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to ebb - снижаться, падатьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a tangle of deals - множество сделокwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- apparently - очевидноwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to drag on trade - замедлять торговлю, являться тормозом для торговлиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be abundant - быть в изобилииwas added by Jaina and appears on 2 lists
- to pick up some of the slack left by Europeans - подобрать наследие, оставленное европейцамиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- easy to prune - легко сокращатьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a huge withdrawal - огромное (по масштабам) изъятиеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to amount to 5% - возрастать до уровня 5%was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to approach 5% - приближаться к 5%was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to average 5% - составлять в среднем 5%was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- the trade finance - финансирование торговлиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to account for 36% - составлять 36%=to make 36%was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a gap - разрыв, брешьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to create a lag - создать, вызвать лаг, задержку, отставаниеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a destination country - страна назначенияwas added by Jaina and appears on 3 lists
- an input - используемое сырьеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- raw materials - сырьёwas added by Jaina and appears on 2 lists
- the pace of global growth - темп мирового ростаwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a rapid downturn - быстрый спадwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a rapid rebound - быстрое восстановлениеwas added by Jaina and appears on 2 lists
- shipping data - данные по поставкамwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to undershoot the forecasts - промахнуться с прогнозом, дать неправильный прогнозwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- emerging markets - появляющиеся, возникающие рынкиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to assume - приниматьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a pick-up in world output - подъём в мировом выпускеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to determine - определять, решатьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- the patterns of trade - структура внешней торговли, характер торговлиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to tend to smth - иметь тенденцию (склонность) к чему-либоwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- the buying power - покупательная способностьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be highly exposed - в значительной степени подвергатьсяwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a trade hub - торговый узелwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- particularly - особенно, чрезвычайноwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to come to pass - произойти, случитьсяwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to fuel a fear - давать пищу страху, порождать страхwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to turn choppy - стать изменчивымwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- ominous - зловещий, угрожающий, не предвещающий ничего хорошегоwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- an empty quay - пустой причалwas added by Jaina and appears on 2 lists
- trade figures - статистика торговли, внешнеторговая статистикаwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a bustling dock - загруженный, многолюдный док (пристань)was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to gauge activity - измерять, оценивать активностьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a bleak outlook - мрачная перспективаwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to turn down sharply - резко снизитьсяwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be boxed in - быть зажатым, загнанным в уголwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
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