A list of 28 words by trgrmtn.
- to undershoot a forecast - промахнуться с прогнозомwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- trade facilitation - упрощение процедуры торговлиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to be embroiled in a spat - быть вовлеченным в спорыwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- trade-finance loans - финансирование торговли кредитамиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- to incure costs - нести издержкиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- the pace of global growth - темп роста мировой экономикиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- patterns of trade - структура торговлиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- buying power -покупательная способностьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- an economic slowdown - экономический спадwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- to fuel fears - разжигать опасенияwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- to ebb - убывать (ослабевать)was added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- a tide of support for - волна поддержкиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- a new round of protectionism - новый виток протекционизмаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- abundant - обильныйwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- to rely on - опираться наwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- to plung - сокращатьсяwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- container volumes - объемы контейнерных перевозокwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- a survey - обследованиеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- the latest shipping data - по последним даннымwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- a rapid rebound - быстрое восстановление awas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- a rapid rebound - быстрое восстановление awas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- a rapid rebound - быстрое восстановление awas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- undershoot - недолететьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- on the back of a strengthening economy - на фоне укрепления экономикиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
- at a more granular level - на более детальном уровнеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- ominous - зловещийwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- quay - причалwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to gauge activity - измерять активностьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 2 lists
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