A list of 25 words by 6stro4ek.
- a loose policy - слабая политикаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 2 lists
- cutting red tape at borders - сокращение волокиты/бюрократизма на границахwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- petty - мелочный/незначительныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- offset - компенсировать/возмещатьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- trade facilitation - упрощение процедуры торговли/содействие торговлеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- ratchet up - расширять, увеличиватьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- plunge - падать/погружатьсяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- be embroiled in a spat - быть вовлеченным в спорыwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- pattern of trade - структура торговлиwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to undershoot forecasts - отклониться от прогнозаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- fuel fears - разжигать опасенияwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- tangle - путаница/сплетение/конфликтwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to ebb - убывать/ослабеватьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to fret about - беспокоиться о к-либо/ч-либоwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to flag - ослабеватьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 2 lists
- drag on the expansion of the economy - препятствие для экономического ростаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- abundant - обильный/богатыйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- plung - сокращатьсяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- more pronounced - более выраженный/явныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- trade hub - торговый центрwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 2 lists
- сhoppy - неспокойныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- rapid rebound - быстрое восстановлениеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 2 lists
- grow on the back of a strengthening economy - расти на фоне укрепления экономикиwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- at a more granular level - на более детальном уровнеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 3 lists
- gauge activity - измерять активностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
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