A list of 34 words by EMitenkova.
- to be reluctant to do - делать что-то с неохотойwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- (a) cash hoard - денежные запасыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- A predecessor - предшественникwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- unduly - чрезмерноwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 5 lists
- a non-profit company - некоммерческая компанияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to pledge to do smth- дать публичное обещаниеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- subsequently - впоследствии, в дальнейшем, после того, как что-то случилосьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to publicise smth - сделать что-лиюо общедоступным, известнымwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- promptly - быстроwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- excessive working hours - рабочие часы сверх нормыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to lambaste smb for smth - наказыватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to have a hiccup - проблемаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to rise by ...% - вырасти наwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- smb's share price - цена акцийwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to handle smthwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to handle = to manage - поддерживатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- the most valuable listed companywas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to reach over = to hit - достичьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- (a) tricky transition - сложный переходwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- a praise smb for smth - выражение похвалы, одобренияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a market capitalisationwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to deserve praise - заслужить похвалуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 10 lists
- a market worth hit - рыночная цена достиглаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a tricky question - хитрый вопросwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- phenomenal successwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a tech titanwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an absence of leadership - отсутствие чего-либоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a brash person - дерзкийwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an ailing person = a sick - больнойwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to smash records = to break records- побить рекордыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- at the helm - в руководствеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- an anniversary - годовщинаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 3 lists
- a humble person - скромный человекwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- sickwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 52 lists
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