A list of 49 words by trgrmtn.
- a proliferation = распространениеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- the litigation frenzywas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to seize on = воспользоваться чемлибоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to outweigh costs = перевешивать затратыwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to hail the ruling = приветствовать решение судаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to stir up debate = вызвать дебатыwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to seek to do something = пытаться что-то сделатьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- an injunction against something = судебный запретwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to step up efforts = увеличить усилияwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- stash of something = склад чего-тоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- pundit = знаток, экспертwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- consolation = утешениеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to boast = =||=was added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to crowd about = хвастатьсяwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to hinderwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to hamperwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 3 lists
- to inhibit = быть препятствиемwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to impede = препятствоватьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to thwart the progress = препятствовать прогрессуwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- litmus test = испытаниеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to influence someone = влиять на кого-либоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to get guilty of something = быть виновным в чем-тоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to infringe on something = нарушатьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- feature = чертаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- a slim chance = шаткий шансwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to get something overturned = опровергнуть что-либоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- ruling = судебное постановлениеwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to revamp something = модернизировать что-либо 2348040484was added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to rip off property = красть собственностьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to encourage somebody to do something = дохновить кого-то сделать что-тоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions = иметь плохой резонансwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- willfully = умышленноwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to be deemed = считатьсяwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to award someone $$$ in damages = возместить кому-либо ущербwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to buck a trend = плыть против теченияwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to suffer losses = терпеть убыткиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- notorious = печально известныйwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to be reluctant = делать с неохотойwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- cash hoard = наличный запасwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- unduly = чрезмерноwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- incumbentwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 109 lists
- tertiary educationwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 4 lists
- bonanzawas added by trgrmtn and appears on 52 lists
- cronywas added by trgrmtn and appears on 45 lists
- put on the standwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- revampwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 21 lists
- penchantwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 193 lists
- wagwas added by trgrmtn and appears on 63 lists
- pithywas added by trgrmtn and appears on 255 lists
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